Giving Back Through Team Building
Build-A-Bike ®
Embark on the Build-A-Bike® Team Building Workshop, an engaging program blending enjoyable challenges with a noble cause. Participants form smaller teams tasked with solving specific challenges. They construct bicycles for underprivileged children from local charities like the YMCA or Boys and Girls Club. For many of these youngsters, receiving a bike represents a significant milestone. As it may be the first one they have ever owned. Your involvement carries profound significance, bringing joy and empowerment to these deserving individuals.
The Rescue Bear ®
Experience the original teddy bear team building event! Participants engage in puzzles and code deciphering to acquire resources for building custom teddy bears, bunnies, cows, cats, and more. Through an examination of individual personality types, strengths, and talents, participants discover their unique contributions to the group dynamic. By tapping into these strengths, teams achieve greater success together. The finished bears are donated to organizations like Ronald McDonald House, children's hospitals, or fire departments, spreading joy and comfort to those in need.
Camaraderie Quest
Experience the Camaraderie Quest team scavenger hunt, a high-tech treasure hunt tailored specifically to your group and location. Each team uses their phones. As an option, a donation to a charity is made on behalf of your company, though the event can also be conducted without this donation.
Exciting Team Activities

I'm in It to Win It
I'm In It to Win It kicks off with an icebreaker activity, dividing participants into small teams. The host introduces and demonstrates each activity visually, allowing teams time to practice and designate the most suitable member for each task. Once ready, the competition commences, with each team starting at a different activity. Points are scored based on the speed of task completion by the designated team member, tallied by the host after each round. Ultimately, a champion team emerges victorious.

Elevate Your Team's Performance and Impact Lives Today
Ready to ignite collaboration and synergy within your workplace? Contact Blazing Ginger today to discuss how our dynamic team building activities can benefit your team and community.